Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Meeting the Doctors

Hello everybody!! We are doing great. The doctors and staff are fantastic! We saw Dr. Ommen first and he said DeWayne is a typical HCM patient. He agreed that DeWayne needed surgery to fix the interior wall and clear the obstruction. He said it would make him feel much better and get rid of almost all of the meds. he is currently taking. The success rate is 98%!! We also discovered that the aortic valve was a little different than most people. Leave it to DeWayne to have to be different! A normal valve looks like a Mercedes Benz emblem. It has a three way opening. DeWayne's is only two. It has been like that since birth and has caused the aorta to be a little larger . They do not feel that it will cause a great problem and probably will not need to be repaired. If it does they can replace the valve. I was so happy after that appt. I was ready to shout Glory to God from the roof top! His stress test was after that and it went pretty good, he just could not do it very long. We then met with Dr. Schaff, the surgeon, and he agreed as well DeWayne needed surgery. He said the surgery would take approx. 3 hours with a 5-7 day hospital stay. This surgery has been done for 50 years and has been greatly improved. DeWayne's surgeon has been doing this for 27 years.

Thank you all again for your continued prayers and all your love. We are very confident of a successful surgery and great recovery. We love you all and cannot wait to get back home with a new and improved DeWayne. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!

Thank you Theresa (from HCM) for all of your support ,E-Mails, and prayers . I appreciate you giving us your phone number. Mayo has been wonderful. If I have any questions I will give you a call.


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